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Get Prepared

Congrats on taking the first steps towards your education goals. Have you received your approval email from Guild? If not, don’t worry, you should receive an email within seven days of submitting your Guild application.  

If you have received your approval email, double congratulations! Here are your next steps in completing your application for your University of California, Irvine Boot Camp, in partnership with edX. In order to ensure your program is covered by your Guild Education Benefits, do not go directly to the edX website to register. Follow the steps below:

Access to a personal computer is highly recommended: Students may be required to download software to complete coursework as part of this program and should have access to a personal computer in order to download and access the required software. This software may not be downloadable or accessible on an employer-issued computer.

1 — Confirm your spot

Once your Guild application is approved, you'll need to confirm your spot in ​​University of California, Irvine Boot Camp’s program for the next start date. Log in to your Guild account and visit your Applications page to confirm your spot, then University of California, Irvine Boot Camp will reach out to you with next steps. Be sure to confirm your spot by the 29th day of the month before your start date, or February 27, if the start date is in March, or you will have to start in a later term.

If you have previous education outside of the U.S. (i.e., foreign credentials), there aren't extra requirements to complete at University of California, Irvine Boot Camp.

2 — Look for Communication from the Admissions Team at edX

Once you’ve been approved through Guild, an Admissions Advisor from the University of California, Irvine Boot Camp you’ve applied to will be reaching out to you via phone and email to connect. You must have that call in order to continue in the admissions process. Please make sure to input the same start date and use the same email on both your Guild application and University of California, Irvine Boot Camp application. You will go through the following steps to apply at edX for your University of California, Irvine Boot Camp:

  1. Complete an Admission call with your Admissions Officer

  2. Take the aptitude test in the Enrollment portal

  3. Complete the application for your program

  4. Sign your Enrollment Agreement

3 — Connect with your support team at edX

Your enrollment in a University of California, Irvine Boot Camp allows you access to the following support teams at edX:

  • Admissions Officer: Assists you through the admissions process and helps you prepare for your coursework.

  • Student Engagement Specialist: Supports you post enrollment through your first week of coursework to ensure you’re prepared for your first day.

  • Student Success Manager (SSM): You will meet your SSM in your first course session and they will be there to support and encourage you throughout your entire program.

  • Additional Services: Once you’ve started your coursework, you will also have access to Learning Assistants, Tutoring services, and Career coaches to help support your success during and after the program.

4 — Connect with your Guild Growth Coach

Once your enrollment in your University of California, Irvine Boot Camp has been confirmed, your Guild Growth Coach will reach out to connect. Your Guild Growth Coach is an additional layer of support and can help with any questions throughout your program. They’ll also work with you to explore new programs if you’re interested.

Timeline for Funding

You can learn more about the timeline of Tuition Assistance Funding by clicking here https://guild.force.com/helpcenter/s/article/How-Tuition-Assistance-works. You'll also want to ensure you are tagged as a Guild student with the school and ensure you continue to meet your employer's eligibility requirements.

Questions? Submit a request