Logo of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Step 1: Get Prepared | Step 2: Get Registered

Step 2: Get Registered

Now you’ve completed the first step, you’ll need to register for courses and purchase your books and materials. Dive in and explore the steps below to help make registration a breeze.

1 — Register for courses

Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor to select the courses you'll take during the term. Your advisor can help you make the best decisions based on your program and needs.

2 — Plan with your N.C. A&T Advisor

Your academic advisor can help prepare you for your courses, discuss course materials, and review available resources. You can also work together to create an individualized course plan that supports your academic journey.

3 — Buy books and materials

Buy books and other materials for your courses. Check the syllabus for each course to find out what you need, and be sure to keep your receipts - you may need them for returns or reimbursements.

4 — Start classes

Work with your Guild Growth Coach and N.C. A&T academic advisor to get ready for your first day of classes. Be sure to sign in to each course on the first day of class, or you may be automatically dropped.

Timeline for Funding

You can learn more about the timeline of Tuition Assistance Funding by clicking here https://guild.force.com/helpcenter/s/article/How-Tuition-Assistance-works. You'll also want to ensure you are tagged as a Guild student with the school and ensure you continue to meet your employer's eligibility requirements.


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