Get Prepared
Congrats on taking the first steps towards your education goals. Have you received your approval email from Guild? If not, don’t worry! You should receive an email within 7 to 10 business days of submitting your Guild application. If you don’t check your email regularly, we’d suggest checking it daily for the next week.
If you have received your approval email, double congratulations! Here are the next steps you should take before starting your journey through Penn Foster High School:
1 — Confirm your spot
Once your Guild application is approved, you'll need to confirm your spot in Penn Foster High School’s program for the next start date. Please keep in mind that this step is required to successfully start your program on time. Be sure to confirm your spot by the 29th* day of the month before your start date, or you will have to start in a later term.
Log in to your Guild account and visit your Applications page to confirm your spot
Penn Foster High School will reach out to you with instructions on how to access your program on your official start date
*If your start date is in March, you’ll need to confirm your spot by February 27th.
If you don't confirm your spot by the 29th day, your start date will automatically update to the next start date available (up to 90 days out). You should be able to view your new start date and confirm your spot for the new start date within your Guild portal. If you don't confirm your spot for the updated start date, you will need to re-apply.
2 — Make sure you have the right technology
In order for Penn Foster’s programs to run in the best way possible, you will need:
Desktop computer or laptop
Google Chrome web browser (You can download Google Chrome here if you have not already.)
Reliable internet connection
3 — Get ready to start
Once you have secured the correct technology and confirmed your enrollment, you have completed all the steps you need to complete prior to your start date.You will receive an email with more information about how to access your Penn Foster Portal on your start date. You will not have access to this portal prior to your start date.
4 — Send your transcripts and transfer credits (optional) – High School only
If you’ve already completed some high school coursework or a high school equivalency exam like the GED, you may be able to transfer those credits to satisfy some of your Penn Foster High School requirements. Transfer credits will not impact your Penn Foster GPA, and can get you closer to earning your high school diploma. During the Guild application, you were given an option to have Guild request transcripts on your behalf.
If you said yes to having Guild request your transcripts for you:
The process usually takes about one to three weeks from the time your Guild application is approved. Guild will send you an email once your transcripts are sent to Penn Foster or if Guild isn’t able to get your transcript. To check on the status of your transcripts, please reach out to Guild support.
If you said no to having Guild request your transcripts for you or if Guild was unable to retrieve your transcripts:
Please fill out the transcript request form (in English, en español) and submit it to your former school to request an official transcript (official transcripts are sent directly to Penn Foster from your former school in a sealed envelope, through a school email address or through an electronic transcript service).
Here’s what you can expect when using this transcript request form:
This form has all the information your school needs to send your official transcript directly to Penn Foster.
We encourage you to request your official transcript as soon as you can to ensure you receive transfer credit for all possible courses; you may be surprised at how many of your previous courses transfer for credit at Penn Foster.
Penn Foster is able to accept your transcript even after you’ve started your program.
After your start date, you’ll receive an email from Penn Foster when they receive your official transcript. Within 10 business days, you’ll receive a second email with the results of your official transcript evaluation.
If you are struggling to request your official transcript on your own, don’t worry - Penn Foster will be in touch a few weeks after your start date to assist.
If you have previous education outside of the U.S. (i.e., foreign credentials), and want your credits considered for potential transfer:
There are extra requirements to complete to enroll at Penn Foster.
Penn Foster completes foreign credential evaluations in-house. Official transcripts must be sent from the previous school directly to Penn Foster for an internal evaluation.
Penn Foster accepts transcripts in English or Spanish. An English translation of non-English or non-Spanish transcripts is required. Both the original transcript (in original language) and a certified English translation of the transcript must be sent to Penn Foster. Translations must be performed by:
Issuing university or college
Ministry of Education, consulate, or embassy
Official translation service (some example agencies are listed at:
Confirm requirements with Penn Foster's Admissions Department before paying out of pocket for a translation.
If you need more help with the foreign credentials process, please review this article. You can also message Guild Support or call 1-800-985-4027 (Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. MT).
5 — Create your Penn Foster account
You won’t have access to your Penn Foster student account until your start date. On your start date, you’ll receive an email from Penn Foster with instructions on how to create your account. When creating your account, be sure to enter the zip code of the home address you gave on your Guild application.
This email may arrive by the end of your start day, including later in the evening. If you don’t see it, try checking your junk or spam folders. If you don’t receive an email by the day after your start date, email Penn Foster or call 1-800-840-0457 (Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. MST).
6 — Complete your first exam
To keep access to your account, you’ll need to complete the first exam in your first course within the first 10 days of your start date (or 9 days after your start date).
If you don’t complete the first exam within 10 days (or 9 days after your start date) by 10 PM EST, you’ll lose access to your account and may need to reapply for a future start date. After the first exam, you can continue completing courses at your own pace.
7 — Complete your courses
If your schedule allows, Penn Foster recommends that you set aside 10 hours per week for study time. In addition to Penn Foster’s support team, instructors, and other academic resources, your Guild coach will be available to support you whenever you need it.
If you have additional questions about your Penn Foster program, please visit Penn Foster’s Frequently Asked Questions page. You can also contact Penn Foster at 800-840-0457 or
If you have questions about Technical Support, Transcripts, Benefits, or other areas unrelated to Penn Foster, please visit the Guild Help Center.
Timeline for Funding
You can learn more about the timeline of Tuition Assistance Funding by clicking here You'll also want to ensure you are tagged as a Guild student with the school and ensure you continue to meet your employer's eligibility requirements.