Get Prepared
Congrats on taking the first steps towards your education goals. Have you received your approval email from Guild? If not, don’t worry, you should receive an email within 7-10 days of submitting your Guild application.
If you have received your approval email, double congratulations! Here are your next steps in completing the Pima Medical Institute application:
1 — Make sure you’re eligible
Check to make sure you're eligible for your company's education benefit, right up to the first day of classes. Go to the Guild home page and check your eligibility status in the upper right-hand corner. For more information about eligibility, contact Guild support.
2 — Check your inbox for a Welcome Email from Pima Medical Institute
Once you’ve been approved through Guild, an Admissions Advisor from Pima Medical Institute will send you a welcome email with a link to the application form within 48 hours of your Guild application being approved. Be sure to choose the same learning program that you selected on the Guild application, or you may have to pay for the program on your own.
3 — Connect with your Pima Medical Institute Admissions Representative
Once you have completed your Pima application, a Pima Medical Institute Admissions Representative will be reaching out to you via phone and email to connect.
During the initial call, your Admissions Representative will guide you through the following steps:
Review the program requirements, program schedule, and program preparation
Submit your high school verification, proof of graduation, and official transcripts
If applicable, complete the required assessments
Sign the Enrollment Agreement
You will be introduced to a Financial Services Officer to assist with the completion of your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Your Financial Services Officer will assist you in signing the Standard Acknowledgement Documentation
If applicable, schedule “Meet and Greet” with Program Director
If you are starting an on-campus program, your Admissions Representative will work with you to schedule a campus tour and complete some of the aforementioned steps in person.
If you have previous education outside of the U.S. (i.e., foreign credentials), you’ll want to share that with your Admissions Representative, as there are extra requirements to complete to enroll at Pima Medical Institute.
A foreign credential evaluation of your transcripts by a NACES member agency or an AICE member agency is required. The evaluation must be sent directly to Pima Medical Institute from the credential agency.
Note: Evaluations must be received by Pima’s add/drop period.
An English translation of your non-English transcripts is required.
Confirm requirements with your Admissions Representative before paying out of pocket for an evaluation and/or translation.
If you need more help with the foreign credentials process, pleasereview this article. You can also messageGuild Support or call 1-800-985-4027 (Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. MT).
4 — Review Pima Medical Institute “Online Student Guide” and attend Online Student Orientation
Before your program, you will need to complete an online student orientation. All details about orientation and what you need to complete will be sent via email closer to your start date. If you are starting an online program, you will also receive the “Online Student Guide” via email. This guide includes important information for you to utilize during your time with Pima, including a “Next Steps” checklist and Pima Student Success resources.
5 — Start Classes
Work with your Guild Growth Coach and Pima Medical Institute Student Services team to get ready for your first day of classes. If you are attending an online program, be sure to sign in to each course on the first day of class and complete your assignments to earn attendance. If you are attending an on-campus program, plan ahead and get to class on time!
Timeline for Funding
You can learn more about the timeline of Tuition Assistance Funding by clicking here You'll also want to ensure you are tagged as a Guild student with the school and ensure you continue to meet your employer's eligibility requirements.