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Congrats on taking the first steps towards your education goals. Have you received your approval email from Guild? If not, don’t worry, you should receive an email within seven days of submitting your Guild application.

If you have received your Guild approval email, double congratulations! Here are your next steps for becoming a Guild student at St. Francis:

Tech Requirements

St. Francis College of Nursing requires laptops (not Chromebooks) for programs in order to complete coursework. Please make sure that you have the required tech necessary to successfully participate in the program.

1 — Make Sure You’re Eligible

Check to make sure you're eligible for your company's education benefit, right up to the first day of your courses. Go to the Guild home page and check your eligibility status in the upper right-hand corner. For more information about eligibility, contact Guild support.

2 — Submit Your St. Francis Application

Complete your St. Francis College of Nursing application. Be sure to choose the same learning program on your St. Francis application that you selected on the Guild application, or you may have to pay for the program on your own. Please also be sure to use the same name, email address, and other personal information you used on your Guild application when completing the St. Francis application. Using different information may result in delays for your start at St. Francis.

Use the code 'OSF' during the application process to get the application fee waived.

If you have previous education outside of the U.S. (i.e., foreign credentials), there are extra requirements to complete to enroll at Saint Francis College of Nursing.

  • A course-by-course evaluation of your transcripts is required and must be sent directly to Saint Francis from a credential agency.

  • An English translation of your non-English transcripts is required.

  • Confirm requirements with Saint Francis's Admissions Department before paying out of pocket for an evaluation and/or translation.

If you need more help with the foreign credentials process, please review this article. You can also message Guild Support or call 1-800-985-4027 (Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. MT). 

Next, connect with St. Francis’s Admissions Department to complete your application & enrollment process. For any questions about their process, visit the "How to apply" page on their website, email them at CONAdmissions@osfhealthcare.org or call (309) 655-5296.

3 — Start Your FAFSA

Gather important documents and complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online. The Federal School Code for St. Francis is 006240. Follow the detailed instructions provided by the Federal Student Aid office. When you're finished, you may be offered awards which you can accept or decline.

You can also go directly to the Financial Aid page on St. Francis' site to learn more about the FAFSA process at St. Francis.

Per the Employer policy, each student enrolling in a program that is eligible for federal financial aid may be required to complete one or more of the following items before initial program enrollment and annually thereafter: FAFSA, financial aid packaging / awarding process, accept any grant aid awarded. If any grants are accepted they will be applied to tuition and mandatory fees before employer payment. If you have questions regarding your Employer education benefit policy, please consult Guild support. If you have questions about financial aid, please contact your learning provider's financial aid office.

4 - Confirm Acceptance at St. Francis

Once you receive a decision letter from St. Francis, follow the instructions provided and be sure to take the appropriate steps to confirm your acceptance.

5 - Connect with Your St. Francis Academic Advisor & Register for Courses

Schedule a meeting with your St. Francis academic advisor to get ready for starting your program. Your academic advisor is available to help you register for courses (if applicable), support you in your St. Francis program, discuss course-related questions, and share resources available to you at St. Francis.

6 - Complete Your St. Francis Orientation Process

Make sure to take time to complete the St. Francis orientation process to learn more details about your program, expectations, and keys to your academic success!

7 - Get Your Books & Materials Ready

Get your books and other materials ready for your courses. Check the syllabus for each course to find out what you need, and be sure to keep your receipts - you may need them for returns or reimbursements.

8 - Complete Your Coursework at St. Francis

Make sure you complete your coursework past the add/drop period in order to stay enrolled in your program at St. Francis.

9 - Chat with Your Guild Growth Coach for Support

Once you’ve passed the add/drop period, you’ll have a chance to talk with your Guild Growth Coach. This is the time to discuss your education and career aspirations, ask questions, and set goals for completing your program at St. Francis

10 - Complete Your Coursework at St. Francis

Your Guild support network, along with your St. Francis support team, will be there to offer guidance and support throughout your program. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Guild Support for help or your assigned St. Francis academic advisor with any questions you may have!

Timeline for Funding

You can learn more about the timeline of Tuition Assistance Funding by clicking here https://guild.force.com/helpcenter/s/article/How-Tuition-Assistance-works. You'll also want to ensure you are tagged as a Guild student with the school and ensure you continue to meet your employer's eligibility requirements.

Questions? Submit a request