Step 1: Get Accepted | Step 2: Get Set Up | Step 3: Get Started
Get Started
Keep going with your OSU registration!
1 — Talk with your Oregon State academic advisor
Academic advisors at OSU can help prepare you for your courses, discuss course materials, and review available resources. You can also work together to create an individualized course plan that supports your academic journey.
2 — Register for courses
After you've finished the orientation and spoken with your OSU academic advisor, you'll receive a PIN you can use to register for courses. View the step-by-step registration guide and information about changing your registration if needed. When you are ready to register, go to MyOregonState to get started.
Step-by-step registration guide
3 — Review costs and payment
Take some time to review OSU's tuition and fee information to make sure you understand the cost of courses. OSU bills are sent electronically, and you can view and pay your bill online. Detailed billing information is available from Business Affairs. For more details about your costs under your employer's education benefit, contact Guild support.
4 — Order an OSU ID card
You're not required to get an OSU ID card, but it can come in handy for getting student discounts or accessing facilities if you visit an OSU campus. You can get an OSU ID by submitting an online request form. Your student account will be charged $25 and your ID will be mailed to you. If you need help, call the OSU ID Center at 541-737-2493.
Timeline for Funding
You can learn more about the timeline of Tuition Assistance Funding by clicking here You'll also want to ensure you are tagged as a Guild student with the school and ensure you continue to meet your employer's eligibility requirements.